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Definition: Specifies the reason why the instruction has a failing settlement status.
Type: FailingReason1Code (String)
Allowed Values:
- AWMO (Awaiting Money): Financial instruments are delivered, but still awaiting money from counterparty.
- BYIY (Buy In Procedure): Buy-in procedure has started on the market (on your behalf if your instruction is a receipt, by the counterparty if your instruction is a delivery).
- CLAT (Counterparty Too Late For Settlement): Counterparty's instruction was too late for settlement, that is the matching or settlement problems was solved too late.
- ADEA (Account Servicer Deadline Missed): Instruction was received after the account servicer's deadline. Processed on best effort basis.
- CANR (Cancellation Confirmation Requested): Instruction was in suspense. Suspense period is finished so your cancellation or confirmation of instruction is required.
- CAIS (Awaiting Securities): Awaiting financial instruments from a corporate action or other procedure, for example, conversion, dematerialisation, exchange, registration, stamping, splitting.
- OBJT (Under Objection): Financial instruments are, for example, stolen, in dispute, under objection.
- AWSH (Awaiting Securities From Counterparty): Financial instruments have not yet been received from the counterparty (if receive against payment trade), the money has been delivered.
- PHSE (Physical Delivery Delay): Settlement is physical. Financial instruments are being delivered.
- STCD (Confirmation Discrepency): Discrepancy in the settlement confirmation.
- DOCY (Awaiting Documents Or Endorsements From You): Awaiting documents or endorsements from you.
- MLAT (Money Securities Too Late For Settlement): Covering money/financial instruments were received too late for completing settlement on a same day basis.
- DOCC (Awaiting Documents Or Endorsements From Coun): Awaiting documents or endorsements terparty from counterparty.
- BLOC (Account Blocked): Your account is blocked, no instruction can settle over the account.
- CHAS (Enquiry Sent): A chaser/enquiry has been sent.
- NEWI (New Issues): Financial instrument is a new issue and not yet available/tradable.
- CLAC (Counterparty Insufficient Securities): Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in counterparty's account or
- MUNO (Multiple Settlement Amount): Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
- GLOB (Global Form Securities): Settlement cannot be executed; financial instruments are in global form.
- PREA (Your Instruction On Hold): Your instruction is a preadvice, that is, for matching only.
- PART (Trade Settles In Partials): Trade will settle in partials.
- NOFX (No Foreign Exchange Instruction): A foreign exchange instruction from you is missing.
- CMON (Counterparty Insufficient Money): Insufficient money in counterparty's account.
- YCOL (Collateral Shortage): Insufficient collateral in your account to execute the instruction.
- COLL (Securities Pledged As Collateral): Financial instruments are not deliverable as they are pledged as collateral.
- DEPO (Refused Deposit For Issue Of Depositary Receipts): Deposit of shares for the issuing of depositary receipts has been refused. The allotment granted by the issuer is exceeded by your transaction.
- FLIM (Maximum Foreign Limit Reached): Insufficient deliverable financial instruments in your account as maximum foreign limit has been reached.
- INCA (Income Adjustement Required): Financial instruments require income adjustment, for example, dividend or interest.
- LINK (Pending Linked Instruction): Your instruction is pending settlement because the instruction linked to it is pending.
- LACK (Lack Of Securities): Insufficient financial instruments in your account.
- LALO (Securities Loaned Out): Financial instruments are out on loan.
- MONY (Insufficient Money): Insufficient money in your account.
- NCON (Confirmation Not Received): Confirmation of settlement has not yet been received.
- REFS (Not In Good Order): Delivery/receipt was refused because physical financial instruments are not in good order.
- SDUT (Lack Of Stamp Duty Information): Stamp duty information is missing.
- BATC (Processing Batch Difference): Processing batch differs in the counterparty's instruction, for example, daytime/real-time versus overnight.
- CYCL (Awaiting Next Settlement Cycle): Your instruction is confirmed in the local market or is ready for settlement, awaiting next settlement cycle.
- SBLO (Securities Blocked): Financial instruments are blocked due to, for example, a corporate action event, realignment.
- CPEC (Counterparty In Receivership): Counterparty is in receivership (form of bankruptcy where a court appointed person - the receiver - manages the affairs of the business).
- MINO (Minimum Settlement Amount): Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
- IAAD (Status Reason Investigation): Pending reason being investigated.
- OTHR (Other): Other. See Narrative.
- PHCK (Physical Securities Verification): Physical financial instruments have been received and are being checked for authenticity.
- BENO (Beneficial Ownership Disagreement): Disagreement in beneficial ownership.
- BOTH (Both Instructions On Hold): Counterparty's instruction and your instruction are on hold/frozen/ in a preadvice mode.
- CLHT (Clearing House Trade): Instructed settlement date does not agree with the settlement date on the clearing house trade, that is, a specific type of trade in India.
- DENO (Unavailable Deliverable Denominated Quantity): Quantity instructed does not match the denomination available/deliverable. Physical securities need to be obtained in deliverable denominated quantities.
- DISA (Natural Disaster): Exceptional closing of all financial institutions due to natural disaster, for example, earthquake.
- DKNY (Counterparty Returned Shares): Counterparty has returned or refuses the securities.
- FROZ (Securities Frozen At CSD): Financial instruments are blocked at the Central Security Depository (CSD) following a corporate event.
- LAAW (Awaiting Other Transaction): Awaiting settlement of a purchase to cover failing positions.
- LATE (Market Deadline Missed): Instruction was received after market deadline.
- LIQU (Insufficient Central Bank Liquidity): Central bank liquidity is insufficient.
- PRCY (Counterparty Instruction On Hold): Counterparty's instruction is a preadvice, that is, for matching only.
- REGT (Certificates Rejected): Certificates have been lodged with the registrar but rejected due to incomplete documentation or foreign ownership limitation reached.
- SETS (Settlement System Method Modified): Settlement system/method has been modified at central securities depository to allow settlement.
- CERT (Wrong Certificates Numbers): Certificate number error.
- PRSY (System On Hold): Transaction was put on hold/frozen by the system.
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