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Definition: Specifies the reason why the instruction/request has a repair or rejection status.
Type: RejectionReason76Code (String)
Allowed Values:
- ULNK (Invalid Reference): Linked reference is unknown.
- SAFE (Safekeeping Account Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid message sender's safekeeping account.
- DQUA (Quantity Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid instructed quantity.
- ADEA (Account Servicer Deadline Missed): Transaction/instruction received after the account servicer's specified deadline.
- RTGS (Impossible To Use The RTGS System Instructed): Not possible to use the RTGS system instructed (NRTG or YRTG).
- NCRR (Settlement Amount Currency Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount currency.
- DSEC (Invalid Security): Unrecognised or invalid financial instrument identification.
- DADR (Address Details Rejection): Address details are incorrect or cannot be recognised.
- INIR (Instruction Irrevocable): Instruction is irrevocable.
- CANC (Option Cancelled): Option is not valid; it has been cancelled by the market or service provider, and cannot be responded to. Any responses already processed against this option are considered void and new responses will be required.
- INTV (Option Inactive): Option is not active and can no longer be responded to. Any responses already processed against this option will remain valid, for example, expired option.
- INVA (Invalid For Tax Authorities): For tax reclaim, the reclaim is invalid for the tax authorities.
- REFT (Refused By Tax Authorities): Reclaim is refused by the tax authorities.
- PHYS (Physical Settlement Impossible): Physical settlement is impossible for the instructed financial instrument.
- REFE (Reference Rejection): Instruction has a reference identical to another previously received instruction.
- LACK (Lackof Securities): Instructed position exceeds the eligible balance.
- LATE (Market Deadline Missed): Received after market deadline.
- NMTY (Mismatch): Mismatch between option number and option type.
- OPNM (Option Number Rejection): Unrecognised option number.
- DMON (Settlement Amount Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount.
- OPTY (Invalid Option Type): Invalid option type.
- DCAN (Rejected Since Already Cancelled): Cancellation request was rejected since the instruction has already been cancelled.
- DPRG (Rejected Since In Progress): Cancellation request has been rejected because the instruction process is in progress or has been processed.
- EVNM (Unrecognised Identification): Unrecognised event number.
- STAT (Missing Statutes): Missing statutes or commercial register or other legal documents.
- STAM (Not Stamped Or Signed): Financial instrument has not been stamped and/or duly signed.
- SIGN (Invalid Signature): Registration request does not have a valid signature of the owner of the financial instrument.
- SHAR (Shareholder Number Rejection): Unrecognised, missing or invalid shareholder number.
- MINO (Minimum Settlement Quantity): Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
- NRGM (No Match): More than one instruction match the criteria.
- MLEG (Missing Legal Power): Missing legal power for transfer.
- BATC (Processing Batch Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid processing batch, that is, daytime/real-time while only possible to settle in overnight batch.
- CADE (Transaction Call Delay): Unrecognised or invalid transaction call delay.
- CASH (Cash Account): Unrecognised or invalid cash account.
- DDEA (Deal Price): Unrecognised or invalid deal price.
- OWNT (Type Of Ownership Rejection): Type of ownership indicated is not correct.
- NRGN (Not Found Rejection): Instruction could not be found.
- MUNO (Multiple Settlement Quantity): Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
- REQW (Wrong Registration Request): Registration request to be completed by the buyer and to be forwarded to the issuer is wrong. You have used the registration request of a different issuer/ registrar.
- TXST (Tax Status Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid tax status of the securities instructed.
- REPA (Termination Transaction Amount): Unrecognised or invalid termination transaction amount.
- REPO (Repurchase Rate): Unrecognised or invalid repurchase rate.
- REPP (Premium Amount): Unrecognised or invalid premium amount.
- RREA (Disagreement In Registration Reason): Registration reason indicated is not correct.
- REQM (Missing Registration Request): Registration request to be completed by the buyer and to be forwarded to the issuer is missing.
- RERT (Repurchase Rate Type): Unrecognised or invalid repurchase rate type.
- RSPR (Spread Rate): Unrecognised or invalid spread rate.
- SETS (Settlement System Method Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement system/method instructed.
- DTRD (Trade Date): Unrecognised or invalid trade date or requested trade date or future trade date.
- IIND (Common Reference Rejection): Unrecognised, invalid or missing common reference.
- PLCE (Place Of Trade): Unrecognised or invalid place of trade.
- INNA (Narrative Information Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid service level agreement pre-agreed narrative information.
- ICOL (Insufficient Collateral): Insufficient collateral proposed.
- BPAR (Business Partner Number Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid business partner number.
- BREF (Bank Reference Number Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid bank reference number.
- BUSE (Type Of Order Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid type of order.
- CAEV (Corporate Action Rejection): Corporate action pending on the financial instrument instructed.
- CASY (Impossible Cash Settlement System): Impossible standing arrangements override instruction for the cash settlement system.
- COMC (Commercialization Contract Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid commercialisation contract.
- CONL (Concentration Limit Exceeded): Concentration limit was exceeded.
- CPTY (Unknown Deal Exposure): Deal or exposure is unknown.
- DDAT (Settlement Date Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement date.
- DISC (Disagree With Call Amount): Party does not agree with the call amount.
- DISE (Disagree With Exposure Amount): Party does not agree with the exposure amount.
- DORD (Registration Request Data And Order Rejection): Disagreement between the data on the registration request and the order.
- FEEE (Fee Commission Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid fee or commission.
- SETR (Settlement Transaction Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement transaction type.
- TERM (Closing Date Time Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid closing date/ time.
- VASU (Variable Rate Support Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid variable rate support (repurchase agreement).
- INPS (Place Of Safekeeping): Unrecognised, invalid or missing place of safekeeping.
- SDUT (Lack Of Stamp Duty): Required stamp duty information is missing.
- FORF (Forfeit Amount): Unrecognised or invalid forfeit amount.
- ICUS (Receiving Delivering Party 2): Unrecognised or invalid client of delivering or receiving party 1.
- ICAG (Receiving Delivering Party 1): Unrecognised or invalid participant of delivering or receiving depository.
- DEPT (Receiving Delivering Depository): Unrecognised or invalid depository.
- OTHR (Other): Other. See Narrative.
- IEXE (Receiving Delivering Party 3): Unrecognised or invalid client of delivering or receiving party 2.
- INVE (Invalid Investor Party): Unrecognised or invalid investor party. May be used by an executing party to reject an instruction for an investor (or portfolio) for which it is not authorised to act.
- PLIS (Place Of Listing): Unrecognised or invalid place of listing. Used when the security identified is not listed on the market supplied.
Choice (0..1)
Choice (0..1)
Choice (0..1)
Repetition (0..n)
Repetition (0..n)