Choice (1..n)
Definition: Status reason expressed as a code.
Type: HoldingRejectionReason41Code (String)
Allowed Values:
- INPR (Invalid Price): Price does not comply with the financial instrument's characteristics.
- INID (Invalid Identification): Instruction contains an invalid message identification, identification is unknown.
- AGIN (Invalid Agent): Invalid agent identification supplied.
- INTE (Intermediary): Intermediary is not recognised or is invalid.
- CERT (Incorrect Certification): Instruction is rejected since the provided certification is incorrect or incomplete.
- BPAR (Business Partner Number Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid business partner number.
- BREF (Bank Reference Number Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid bank reference number.
- DADR (Address Details Rejection): Address details are incorrect or cannot be recognised.
- DCUS (Delivering Custodian): Unrecognised or invalid delivering custodian.
- IACT (Incorrect Activity Type): Incorrect activity type specified, for example, pre-release conversion.
- INVA (Invalid For Tax Authorities): For tax reclaim, the reclaim is invalid for the tax authorities.
- INDT (Invalid Details): Message details specified in the instruction/request are inconsistent with those that were specified in the relating original message.
- OPTI (Invalid Option): Invalid combination of corporate action option code and corporate action option number.
- OPTY (Invalid Option Type): Invalid option type.
- INMO (Invalid Movement Information): Details specified in the movement general information block are inconsistent with those that were specified in the relating original message.
- INVM (Invalid Modification Request): Invalid or unrecognized modification request.
- INUS (Invalid Underlying Security): Underlying security identification does not correspond with the corporate action reference supplied.
- DSEC (Invalid Security): Unrecognised or invalid financial instrument identification.
- ENDP (Missing Period End Date): Period ending date or code is missing.
- STAR (Missing Period Start Date): Period starting date or code is missing.
- SECO (Missing Option): Second option is mandatory.
- NOHO (No Holding): No holding for the specified underlying security.
- NINS (No Instrument Market): Referred instrument does not exist in combination with the mentioned market.
- NOAP (Not Applicable): Instruction type is not applicable for mandatory events.
- NAUT (Not Authorised): Permission to be processed is not granted.
- AGID (Not Defined Agent): Party is not defined as an agent.
- DISP (Not Eligible Disperse Security): Disperse security is not eligible in the (ICSD) service provider owner.
- CORR (Not Identified Correspondent Bank): Unable to identify correspondent bank.
- INPS (Place Of Safekeeping): Unrecognised, invalid or missing place of safekeeping.
- PLCE (Place Of Trade): Unrecognised or invalid place of trade.
- PRIC (Price Exceeds): Price in the execution exceeds the order price.
- IVAG (Receiving Agent): Receiving agent is not recognised or is invalid.
- QUNP (Quantity Unit Type): Quantity unit type is not provided.
- DQUA (Quantity Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid instructed quantity.
- EQTY (Quantity Exceeds): Quantity in the execution exceeds the ordered quantity.
- DEPT (Receiving Delivering Depository): Unrecognised or invalid depository.
- RCUS (Receiving Custodian): Unrecognised or invalid receiving agent.
- SAFE (Safekeeping Account Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid message sender's safekeeping account.
- DMON (Settlement Amount Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount.
- NCRR (Settlement Amount Currency Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement amount currency.
- TQNP (Traded Securities Quantity): Traded securities quantity not provided.
- SETR (Settlement Transaction Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid settlement transaction type.
- UKWN (Unknown Symbol): Financial instrument's symbol has not been recognized.
- DDEA (Deal Price): Unrecognised or invalid deal price.
- TERM (Closing Date Time Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid closing date/ time.
- ULNK (Invalid Reference): Linked reference is unknown.
- NARR (Narrative Reason): See narrative field for reason.
- NRGN (Not Found Rejection): Instruction could not be found.
- INVB (Invalid Balance): Instruction aims at using an invalid balance.
- ADEA (Account Servicer Deadline Missed): Transaction/instruction received after the account servicer's specified deadline.
- CASH (Cash Account): Unrecognised or invalid cash account.
- COMC (Commercialization Contract Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid commercialisation contract.
- CONL (Concentration Limit Exceeded): Concentration limit was exceeded.
- INHO (Insufficient Balance): Insufficient balance.
- ICOL (Insufficient Collateral): Insufficient collateral proposed.
- INVE (Invalid Investor Party): Unrecognised or invalid investor party. May be used by an executing party to reject an instruction for an investor (or portfolio) for which it is not authorised to act.
- INVN (Invalid Lot Number): Invalid or unrecognized lot number.
- INVL (Invalid Link): Invalid or unrecognized link.
- VALR (Invalid Rule): Account servicer validation rule rejection.
- INUK (Investor Name Address Unknown): Investor name and address is not recognised.
- LATT (Late): Instruction/Request arrives too late.
- MINO (Minimum Settlement Quantity): Quantity instructed is lower than the minimum existing settlement quantity for the financial instrument.
- BOIS (Missing Beneficiary Owner Details): Rejected due to missing beneficiary owner details.
- MCER (Missing Certification): Certification has not been filled in.
- IPOA (Missing Or Invalid POA): Missing or invalid power of attorney.
- MUNO (Multiple Settlement Quantity): Quantity instructed is not a multiple of an existing settlement quantity lot for the financial instrument.
- INNA (Narrative Information Rejection): Unrecognised or invalid service level agreement pre-agreed narrative information.
- NINV (No Inventory): Requested financial instrument is not available.
- ELIG (Non Eligible Security): Security is not eligible.
- PERI (Period End Date Before Start Date): Period ending date is before period starting date.
- REFE (Reference Rejection): Instruction has a reference identical to another previously received instruction.
- SAID (Same Identification): Several messages with the same identification.
- OWNT (Type Of Ownership Rejection): Type of ownership indicated is not correct.
- NTAV (Not Available): Reason is not available or unknown.
Repetition (0..n)
Repetition (0..2)
Repetition (0..n)